26 Things You Must See Switzerland

Tatiana Tissot


A beautiful country deserves a beautiful book

26 Things You Absolutely Must See in Switzerland is an invitation to travel. This book is for travellers as well as for local people.


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26 things you absolutely must see in Switzerland

A beautiful country deserves a beautiful book

26 Things You Absolutely Must See in Switzerland is an invitation to travel. This book is for travellers as well as for local people. The road passes the well-known classics like Lucerne, the castle of Chillon, the Rhine falls as well as the Mount Pilatus and some of the lesser known treasures like the lakes of Tanay and Cauma as well as Fafleralp. Those places are enhanced through amazing pictures. A beautiful country deserves a beautiful book.

About the author: A lover of travel both near and far, Tatiana Tissot comes face-to-face with her Swiss identity while living the expat life in France. She is a journalist for both magazines and the web, plus she lets her imagination run riot on her blog yapaslefeuaulac.ch


•  Beautiful pictures
•  Indications of how to reach every place
•  Recommandations of what to see in the surroundings
•  Authentic anecdotes

Weitere Informationen
Autor*in Tatiana Tissot
ISBN 9782940481163
Seiten 176
Größe (cm) 16.5 x 21.5 x 1.5cm
Gewicht (g) 600
Marke Helvetiq


Tatiana Tissot

Seit ihrem Master in Journalismus von der Universität von Neuchâtel ist Tatiana Tissot seit 2006 freie Journalistin. Tatiana konfrontiert ihre schweizerische Identität mit ihrem Auslandsleben in Frankreich. Vor sechs Jahre stellte sie ihre Koffer unter der Sonne von Montpellier ab, bevor sie schliesslich eine Zwischenlandung in Montreal machte und dann einen Halt in Nancy einlegte. Als Print- und Webjournalistin schreibt auch auf ihrem Blog Yapaslefeuaulac.ch. Sie liebt kleine und grosse Reisen und ist die Autorin von 26 Dinge zum staunen in der Schweiz.

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