Swiss Bread

Heddi Nieuwsma, Dorian Rollin


A culinary journey with 42 sweet and savory recipes.

In Switzerland, you will find over 200 different types of bread. Many of these breads have a unique connection to the history, culture and geography of the country. Apart from Fondue, the Sunday "Zopf" is probably the most well-known national food. Bread has been an important part of everyday life in Switzerland for a long time. 

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Swiss Bread

A culinary journey with 42 sweet and savory recipes.

In Switzerland, you will find over 200 different types of bread. Many of these breads have a unique connection to the history, culture and geography of the country. Apart from Fondue, the Sunday "Zopf" is probably the most well-known national food. Bread has been an important part of everyday life in Switzerland for a long time. The majority of Swiss breads have a strong connection to their cantons of origin. Many of the breads also have links to festivities and traditions, such as the Three King's Cake. Bread is also found as an ingredient in many Swiss dishes.

Whether you are baking for the first time or have a lot of experience already, this book offers you plenty of recipes to try out. With many fascinating stories appearing alongside these recipes, you will get to know Switzerland through its delicious bread.


- Simple recipes for tasty, homemade bread

- Entertaining descriptions of culinary excursions throughout Switzerland

- Captivating stories behind traditional Swiss breads



Weitere Informationen
Autor*in Heddi Nieuwsma
ISBN 978-2-940481-79-8
Seiten 336
Größe (cm) 17.5 x 24.5 x 3.3 cm
Gewicht (g) 1040
Marke Helvetiq


Heddi Nieuwsma

Die US-Amerikanerin Heddi Nieuwsma lebt seit 2012 in der Westschweiz. Seit sie hier lebt, hat sie eine Leidenschaft für Schweizer Essen entwickelt. Auf ihrem Blog, Cuisine Helvetica, teilt sie selbst ent- wickelte Rezepte, Geschichten, und Reiseerlebnisse. Die Autodi- daktin mag am liebsten Rezepte mit hochwertigen Zutaten. Sie arbeitet unermüdlich daran, die Schweizer Küche international für mehr als nur Schokolade und Käse bekannt zu machen.

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