Swiss Fondue

Jennifer & Arnaud Favre, Dorian Rollin


The fine art of fondue in 52 tasty recipes.

Surprise your friends and loved ones with a creative and delicious Swiss cheese fondue!

35,00 Fr.
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Swiss Fondue

The fine art of fondue in 52 tasty recipes

Surprise your friends and loved ones with a creative and delicious Swiss cheese fondue! Whether you serve up a mixture based on goat’s cheese, a “moitié-moitié” (half‑and-half) flavored with whole-grain mustard or a fusion of bell pepper and grappa — a new culinary experience awaits.

Jennifer and Arnaud Favre are the founders of the Compagnons du Caquelon, an association of fondue lovers in the Canton of Valais, Switzerland. The success of their annual fondue festival encouraged them to share their passion in this book.

52 tasty recipes, including: Spicy fondue with chorizo, Fondue with eggplant caviar, Power fondue with homemade green pesto, Herbal fondue with nettles, a Harmonious fondue duet of sheep's cheese and tomatoes, Fondue spiced with mild curry and many more...


- 52 creative and varied recipes

- The perfect book for winter evenings

- Authentic authors, experts in Fondue and founders of the "Fondue Festival"

- Innovative and easy to make recipes

- Beautiful and mouthwatering photos taken by Dorian Rollin

Plus d’information
Auteur·e Jennifer & Arnaud Favre
ISBN 9782940481811
Pages 176
Dimensions (cm) 17.5 x 24.5 x 2.5 cm
Poids (g) 750
Marque Helvetiq


Jennifer & Arnaud Favre

Jennifer et Arnaud Favre ont créé en 2012 la jeune et dynamique association valaisanne « Les Compagnons du Caquelon ». Entourés d’autres épicuriens, ils se lancent dans la promotion de la fondue au fromage, plat national suisse.

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35,00 Fr.